Keeping our balance is super important for everyday things like walking or playing sports. Sadly, lots of people have poor coordination and balance, and it can make their lives harder. Balance problems can be challenging, affecting various aspects of daily life. 

Many people wonder if a chiropractor can help address these issues. Chiropractors specialize in the musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine. They think that if your spine has problems, it can affect how your nerves talk to the rest of your body and how everything works. So, they make adjustments to fix these spine problems, aiming to bring back your body’s natural balance.

In this article, we’ll look at why balance problems happen, what might be causing them, and if a chiropractor can help with balance problems.

Understanding Balance Problems and Coordination Issues

Balance is how our body uses senses and movements to stay upright and move smoothly. People can have problems moving and doing daily activities when this balance is messed up. These issues can show up in different ways, like feeling dizzy or having trouble walking without help. They often happen because of a mix of things like:

  • inner ear problems; 
  • issues with the brain’s coordination (neurological conditions);
  • problems with muscles and joints (musculoskeletal imbalances); 
  • changes in vision or body awareness due to aging.

Inner ear problems, such as vestibular disorders, can make people feel unsteady and dizzy. Neurological conditions like Parkinson’s disease can mess up how the brain coordinates movements. It leads to problems with balance and coordination. Musculoskeletal imbalances involving the spine, joints, or muscles can also make it hard to stay steady.

It’s important to know that balance and coordination involve a mix of information from our eyes, ears, and muscles. When something goes wrong in this system, it can cause a lot of issues. Sometimes, consulting a chiropractor can help address coordination issues.

A chiropractor assisting a woman with balance training on a pink exercise ball

Can A Chiropractor Help With Balance Problems?

Chiropractors are healthcare specialists who diagnose and treat problems with muscles and bones, especially in the spine. Most people know chiropractic care for helping with back and neck pain, but some say it might also help with balance.

In chiropractic care, the main idea is that the spine is closely connected to how the whole body works. Supporters believe that adjusting the spine can make a positive difference in poor coordination and balance.

Chiropractic care includes making adjustments to fix misalignments in the spine. They aim to bring back the body’s natural balance. Some practitioners believe that these adjustments can have a positive effect on the nervous system. This effect may lead to improvements in proprioception, which is the body’s sense of its position in space, ultimately helping with balance issues.

Chiropractors may help with balance and coordination issues through a holistic approach. They set the main focus on the musculoskeletal system. Here’s how a chiropractor may help address balance issues:

  1. Spinal Adjustments. Chiropractors perform spinal adjustments to correct misalignments in the spine. These adjustments aim to restore the body’s natural balance by ensuring that the spine functions optimally.
  2. Nervous System Impact. Chiropractors believe that misalignments in the spine can disrupt nerve communication. Correcting them can positively influence the nervous system, which plays a crucial role in controlling balance and coordination.
  3. Enhanced Proprioception. Proprioception refers to the body’s awareness of its position in space. Some chiropractors argue that spinal adjustments can enhance proprioception. It helps people better perceive and control their body’s movements.
  4. Collaboration with Other Healthcare Professionals. Chiropractors often work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals, such as neurologists and physical therapists. To ensure a comprehensive approach to addressing balance problems. This multidisciplinary collaboration helps identify the root causes and develop effective treatment plans.

The Role of Chiropractic Care in Managing Balance Problems

Chiropractors believe the spine is crucial for our nerves to function properly. If the spine isn’t aligned right (called subluxation), it can mess up how the brain talks to the rest of the body. This can lead to different health issues, including problems with balance and coordination. Chiropractors use adjustments to fix these misalignments. They help bring back the body’s natural balance and improve the nerves.

Studies suggest that chiropractic care can help improve balance. Some chiropractors also use exercises and therapies to make our bodies more aware of where they are in space, which could help with balance.


Having trouble with balance and coordination can really affect how someone goes about their day and how they feel overall. Can a chiropractor help with balance problems? Yes, chiropractic care considers the whole body to maintain muscle and bone health.

If you struggle with balance or coordination problems, taking proactive steps to improve your health is crucial. Visit the Chiropractic Wellness Center for more information on how chiropractic care can be a part of your healthcare routine. 

In conclusion, chiropractic care may offer benefits for some people. A comprehensive approach involving various healthcare methods is key to addressing balance problems. Prioritize your health and take the necessary steps to enhance your well-being.


Can chiropractic adjustments provide immediate relief for balance issues?

Chiropractic adjustments may offer immediate relief for people with balance issues. This work addresses misalignments that could impact the nervous system. However, the extent of immediate relief can vary from person to person.

How long does it typically take to see improvements in balance with chiropractic care?

The timeline for seeing improvements in balance with chiropractic care varies. Some people may experience positive changes after a few sessions. At the same time, others may require more time for noticeable improvements. Individual responses to treatment differ. The chiropractor will tailor the plan based on the patient’s specific needs.

How often should I visit a chiropractor for balance problems?

The frequency of chiropractic visits for balance problems depends on the severity of the issue. And also on the individual’s response to treatment. Chiropractors often recommend an initial series of sessions closely spaced together. A gradual decrease in frequency should follow them as balance improves. Regular check-ups may be advised to maintain and monitor progress.