Vertigo is characterized by a spinning sensation or a feeling of dizziness. It can significantly impact one’s quality of life. There are various causes of the condition. They are such as inner ear problems or neurological conditions. Manual care has emerged as a potential solution for managing this condition. This approach focuses on the relationship between the spine and the nervous system. It aims to restore proper alignment and function.

Manual care involves non-invasive techniques. Doctors aim to reduce nerve interference. And they promote the body’s natural healing process.

Although research on chiropractic treatment for vertigo is still evolving, preliminary studies and anecdotal evidence suggest its potential benefits. But it’s essential to consult with a qualified specialist. And it’s vital to undergo a thorough evaluation. It’s to determine the underlying cause before pursuing manual care.

This article explores the principles behind:

  • Manual treatment for lightheadedness.
  • The techniques employed.
  • Causes of dizziness.

By delving into this topic, we can better understand spine interventions for the condition.

What Can Cause Dizziness?

Here is a list of potential factors that can contribute to dizziness that chiropractor can care for:

  • Inner Ear Conditions. They are benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, Ménière’s disease, and vestibular neuritis.
  • Low Blood Pressure. A sudden drop in blood pressure can lead to dizziness, especially upon standing up.
  • Medications. Certain medications, like sedatives and tranquilizers, may cause dizziness as a side effect.
  • Dehydration. Inadequate fluid intake can lead to dehydration, which can manifest as dizziness.
  • Cardiovascular Conditions. They’re heart disease, irregular heartbeat, and problems with blood flow to the brain. Chiropractic treatment for vertigo can help with these conditions.
  • Neurological Conditions. Conditions like migraines, stroke, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease can cause dizziness.
  • Anxiety and Panic Conditions. Intense anxiety or panic attacks can trigger dizziness and a feeling of lightheadedness.
  • Hypoglycemia. Low blood sugar levels can result in dizziness, particularly in individuals with diabetes.
  • Anemia. Insufficient red blood cells or low hemoglobin levels can lead to dizziness. It’s due to reduced oxygen supply to the brain.
  • Other Factors. Other potential causes include viral infections, hyperventilation, certain tumors, and cervical spine issues.

Can Chiropractors Help Vertigo?

Manual care is primarily associated with back and neck pain. But many individuals wonder if doctors can also help with the condition.

Spine treatment approaches for lightheadedness focus on the relationship between:

  • The spine.
  • The nervous system.

Misalignments in the spine interfere with the proper functioning of the nervous system. And it potentially contributes to vertigo symptoms that chiropractors can help with.

Specialists use various techniques to address spinal misalignments. They are spinal adjustments, mobilizations, and exercises. Manual care aims to ease nerve interference. And it helps the body’s natural healing process.

a woman feels a vertigo

Chiropractic Treatment Methods for Vertigo

Lightheadedness can significantly disrupt daily life. Manual care offers potential solutions for those seeking non-invasive alternatives to manage it. Doctors use various methods aimed at addressing misalignments or dysfunctions in the spine. It can potentially reduce symptoms.

The following sections will explore different chiropractic methods for vertigo. It can help individuals understand the principles behind manual interventions. And they will make informed decisions about their condition management.

If you have any signs, it’s important to consult with a qualified specialist. They can assess your specific condition and determine the most appropriate treatment approach. Working with healthcare professionals can optimize your chances of finding relief from lightheadedness.

Spinal Adjustments

Spinal adjustments, or spinal manipulations, are a cornerstone of chiropractic methods for vertigo. This technique involves applying controlled and sudden force to specific spinal joints. It’s to correct misalignments (subluxations) and restore proper motion. This way, doctors aim to reduce nerve interference. They improve communication between the brain and body and potentially ease symptoms.


Mobilizations are gentle and controlled movements of the spine. They’re aimed at improving joint flexibility and function. Specialists may use manual techniques or specialized tools to mobilize the affected vertebrae. These movements can help restore proper spinal alignment. And they reduce any restrictions or stiffness that may contribute to lightheadedness.

Vestibular Rehabilitation Exercises

Chiropractor for dizziness may incorporate vestibular rehabilitation exercises into their treatment plans. These exercises aim to improve balance, coordination and strengthen the vestibular system. Exercises may include gaze stabilization exercises, balance training, and head and eye movements. Vestibular rehabilitation exercises can complement spine adjustments. It’s done by promoting the brain’s ability. It’s to adapt and compensate for any vestibular dysfunction.

Soft Tissue Therapy

Soft tissue therapy techniques address tension, adhesions, or muscle imbalances. By releasing muscle tension and promoting blood flow, therapy can help ease the pain. It improves mobility and supports the effectiveness of adjustments.

Postural and Ergonomic Education

Chiropractors for dizziness often emphasize the importance of maintaining proper posture and ergonomics. It’s to prevent spinal misalignments and reduce the risk of lightheadedness. They may provide education on ergonomics in the workplace, at home, and during activities. This way, individuals can cut unnecessary stress on the spine.

Lifestyle and Nutritional Advice

Doctors may provide lifestyle and nutritional guidance as part of a comprehensive treatment. They may recommend dietary changes, supplementation, and lifestyle modifications. They support spinal health and reduce inflammation in the body. These recommendations can contribute to well-being. And they may have a positive impact on symptoms.

Mistakes to Avoid When Getting Manual Care for Lightheadedness

Manual care can be effective for some individuals with lightheadedness. But it’s important to approach it with caution and avoid the following mistakes:

  • Self-diagnosis. Avoid self-diagnosing your vertigo and assuming that chiropractic treatment is the best approach for it. Lightheadedness can have various causes. It includes inner ear conditions, vestibular migraines, or even underlying medical conditions. Consult with a healthcare professional to determine the root cause.
  • Skipping medical evaluation. Manual care should be complemented by a thorough medical evaluation.
  • Lack of communication. Effective communication with your doctor is crucial. Be sure to provide a detailed medical history. And inform them about any other treatments or medications you are currently undergoing.
  • Ignoring contraindications. Certain conditions may be contraindications for manual adjustments. Be honest and transparent about your health condition.
  • Overreliance on manual care. Spine care can provide relief for some lightheadedness cases. But it may not be a standalone solution. It’s essential to explore other treatment options.
  • Not following through with recommendations. Doctors often provide exercises and lifestyle recommendations to support the treatment. Stay committed to the suggested exercises and any lifestyle changes.
  • Ignoring red flags. Pay attention to any adverse reactions or worsening of symptoms. It can be during or after manual sessions. Consult your doctor immediately in case of any concerning symptoms. They can evaluate the situation and make necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.
a woman feels a headache

Bottom Line

In conclusion, chiropractic treatment for vertigo aims to:

  • Address spinal misalignments.
  • Promote proper nervous system function.
  • Potentially alleviate symptoms.

Spinal adjustments, mobilizations, vestibular rehabilitation exercises, soft tissue therapy, postural and ergonomic education, and lifestyle and nutritional advice may all play a role in a treatment plan.


Can a chiropractor help with vertigo?

Chiropractic care has shown promise in helping some individuals with vertigo. Chiropractors aim to reduce vertigo symptoms. But the effectiveness of chiropractic care for vertigo may vary. It depends on the underlying cause and individual factors.

What is the fastest way to resolve vertigo?

There are several approaches that can potentially help reduce vertigo symptoms more quickly:

– Epley Maneuver.
– Medications.
– Vestibular Rehabilitation.
– Addressing Underlying Conditions.

Can stress or anxiety cause vertigo?

Yes, stress and anxiety can contribute to or trigger vertigo symptoms. When the body is under stress, it can affect the balance centers in the inner ear. It leads to dizziness and vertigo. Also, anxiety and panic attacks can cause hyperventilation, altering the body’s oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, which may further trigger or exacerbate vertigo symptoms.